My Biography
"The Kidd Creole"

David Rhodes and Me
The Kidd Creole one of the founding members of the Hip Hop pioneering group "Grandmaster Flash and The Furious 5" born in The Bronx, New York as Nathaniel Glover Jr. The Third son of Sarah K. Glover, (born in Reidsville, Georgia, USA) and the first son of Nathaniel Glover Sr. (born in Charleston, South Carolina, USA) with his brother Mele Mel (Melvin Glover) was exposed to poetry early in life (around the age of 10 or 11) by his sister Glander (who also shares a birthday with him, born a year earlier) she wrote poems and would recite them for her siblings this was the link that allowed him (first Mele Mel who wrote the first hip hop style rhyme) to transition from listening to poetry and then taking that knowledge and applying it to the music that was being played early in hip hop culture. Being shy and average at sports (stated on numerous occasions that he started rhyming "to meet girls") he found through writing and reciting rhymes a way to express himself creatively (surprisingly though he felt nervous never felt shy) although he also wrote Graffiti (Cuzz 121 & Pockets 121 referred to himself as a DGA aka Don't Get Around) and used to "up rock" (a form of Break Dancing where foot movement and hand gestures are more emphasized than twirling and spinning on the ground) these art forms introduced him to the music that would have a major impact on his life.
Showing a knack for rhyming words and a sharp memory The Kidd Creole (along with Mele Mel) soon developed style of rhyming (unique to the times) where they went away from saying the short phrases Radio DJ's were saying or "Nursery Rhymes" these "so called" street DJ's were saying (allowing them to stay on the mic longer) to eight bar rhymes (a "Bar" the time it takes to count to 4 on a tempo) that was about the person rhyming. This soon evolved into a system called a "switch over" in which Mele Mel would say the first line (or bar) and The Kidd Creole would say the second. After trail, error and rehearsal (before having enough rhymes written they would rehearse using TV commercials) they improved enough to say individual words in respect to the tempo (that were rhyming to) for example: "1- 2- this is for you- you-and you" or "to be an E-M-C-E-E" (the recordings "We Rap More Mellow" and "Superappin" were made in part from their early routines) also coming up with the first terms to "pass off" the mic (a way to allow another Emcee to have a turn without a break in between) for example: "1-2 one more is 3 The Kidd Creole rock the mic so viciously". Developing and demonstrating techniques that can be recognized today.
Later The Kidd Creole and Mele Mel joined up with the late Keef Cowboy aka Robert Keith Wiggins (rip) in 1976 to form "Grandmaster Flash and The 3 Emcee's", (a precursor of "The Furious 5") with production handled by Grandmaster Flash aka Joseph Saddler (this was a time before records were made so the DJ's name was listed first on fliers and such) The group formed in the south Bronx from the efforts of the aforementioned individuals. When Flash brought his turn tables and speakers in to the parks Mele Mel, Keef Cowboy and The Kidd Creole rhymed on the mic. After two extra Emcee's joined them Mr. Ness later known as Scorpio aka Eddie Morris (the group was then called "The Furious Four") and Rahiem aka Guy Todd Williams, originally from another Bronx rap group "The Funky Four", (later known as "The Funky Four Plus One") the group officially became known as "Grandmaster Flash and The Furious 5" (The Kidd Creole, Rahiem and Mele Mel were considered the lyrist of "The Furious 5" while Keef Cowboy (rip) preformed crowd responses) the group was renowned for their "live performance" that ranged from the DJ (Flash) and the Emcee's having an exchange or the Emcee's rhyming in unison, showing how their skills were developed in early hip hop dance clubs like the "Black Door", "The Dixie Club" and the legendary "Audubon Ballroom" (to name a few) The group is commonly known as one of the founding fathers of Hip Hop culture.
Taking hip hop from the parks and streets to the studios with the release of "We Rap More Mello" (1979) for Brass Records the group went on to "Enjoy Records" to record "Super Rappin" (1979) early in the cultures history becoming the first true rap group to record ("The SugarHill Gang" recorded before them but they not considered the first true Emcee's) After recording "Superappin 2" (1980) the group then signed with what is now regarded as the birthplace of hip hop on vinyl the ground breaking "SugarHill Records" And released "Freedom" (1980) followed by "The Birthday Party" (1980) "It's Nasty" (1981) and the innovative "The Adventures of Grandmaster Flash on the Wheels of Steel" (1981) these songs had an up tempo style that was typical of the way The Kidd Creole and Mele Mel would rhyme using "switch overs" the group then began to establish themselves as a force in the industry. After recording (which accually was one of the many routines said at partys by "The Furious 5") "Flash To The Beat" (1982) the group then released the cutting edge single "The Message" (1982) a top five record on the "Billboard" pop charts. This recording took the group throughout the country then across seas to become hip hop's first true herald helping to prove to the industry that hip hop wasn't just a fad (which was the belief at that time) The group continued to tour and record for a number of years releasing "Survival" (1982) "Scorpio" (1983) and "New York New York" (1983) before Flash, Rahiem and The Kidd Creole left SugarHill and signed with Elektra Records in 1984.
After the court decision and then the break up The Kidd Creole participated in the recording of four albums with the group known as "Grand Master Flash"
who's members were Grand Master Flash, (the Dj) The Kidd Creole, Rahiem and LaVon (Kevin LaVon Dukes), they were considered the lyricists Mr Broadway (Russell Wheeler) the hype man and Larry Love (Larry Parker) the dancer. (Mele Mel, Scorpio as he was now known and Keef Cowboy along with King Lou, Kami Kaze and Tommy Gunn continued to record for SugarHill Records under the name Grandmaster Mele Mel and The Furious Five) The task of writing the songs for the group Grandmaster Flash was taken on by The Kidd Creole, Rahiem and LaVon the group then released "They Said It Couldn't Be Done" (1985) the single "Sign Of The Times" and "Larry"s Dance Theme" which later was released on a "12inch 45" ("Larry's Dance Theme pt 2") he then participated on the album "The Source" (1986) using the Henry Mancini classic "Peter Gunn" for the single "Style" followed by "Throwing Down" later teaming with the late Larry Smith (a producer of early Run DMC music) to release "Ba-Dop-Boom-Bang" (1987) the single "You Know What Time It Is" was the first song off the album followed by "All Wrapped Up". Later in 1987 the group reunited and recorded "On The Strength" (1988) releasing the singles "Gold" then "Fly Girls". After many years of recording shooting videos and starring on stage and screen the group started to receive various awards recognizing them as hip hop pioneers. On March 12 of 2007 they were inducted into the prestigious Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
After touring the UK, Europe, Scandinavia and some Asian nations The Kidd Creole collaborated with various indpendent artists (nothing noteworthy) still needing to add to his legacy as a hip hop pioneer decided he would go to social networking to rise his profile. Having wrote as he would say "a few rhymes" for "The Mic Check Show" a one hour radio show on WQHT Hot 97 in New York City from late 1994 to mid 1995 and wanted to "shine the light of day" on rhymes he had written and didn't say on the radio show. Attempting to use Social Media to he's advantage uploaded videos on the networking site "You Tube" on July 16th to September 3rd 2012 and recited "50 Rhymes in 50 Days" pt1 to show his skill level and to have a video record of some of the rhymes he had written over quite some time. (they were a little more than two minutes long with music) Again using the internet to his advantage uploaded videos to "You Tube" on September 1st 2013 to October 20th 2013 recited "50 Rhymes in 50 Days" pt2 attempting to demonstrate to a whole new generation "lyrical skills" and "verbal techniques" that he has acquired over the years

All photos taken by Ronnie

All photos taken by Ronnie

All photos taken by Ronnie

All photos taken by Ronnie

Master of Ceremonies....

Artwork by Lila Silk